Love The Rainbow


En Junio celebramos la diversidad, aquí les dejo una selección de artículos chulísimos que celebran el amor, el respeto y la diversidad.

No importa a quien ames, lo único que importa es que ames… Amor es Amor, repetir  este mantra todos los días es tan necesario para sanar el mundo en el que vivimos.

Todas las razas, Todos los géneros, Todos somos amor.


It doesn’t matter who you love, all that matters is that you love…. Love is Love, we should repeat this mantra every day is necessary to heal the world we live in.

Here is a selection of cool things that celebrate love, respect, and diversity.

All races, All genders, All lovers.

4.Rainbow Holographic Body by Jaded London ( 

5.Gumboots Rainbow Long  (

6.HAPPY SOCKS Multicolor Triangle Crew Socks ( /

7.Retro festival rainbow mirror lens metal aviatorsunglasses 9472 ( /

8.Large Rainbow Neon Light design by SunnyLIFE (

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All original artwork and photographs are ©Valentina Grillo Vicioso. You are welcome to share as long as you credit and/or link back to me. I try to properly credit images I post and link to the original source if you own an image that has been credited incorrectly and/or you want it to be removed from this blog, please contact me.

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