Se que estoy un poco tarde para este post pero no podía dejar de compartir con ustedes esta lista de
agendas y hablarles un poquito de cómo organizarse, planificar y trazar sus
metas para este año 2016 que ya arrancó. Soy de las que les gusta escribir y anotar
todo, rayar, tachar, pintar y hacer listas.
Y precisamente ese es uno de los pasos desde mi punto de vista más
importantes: hacer una lista de tus metas reales, planes, proyectos y viajes,
esto te ayudará a visualizarlos mejor, mantén a la mano tu lista para que
puedas revisarla todos los días, y cada vez que quieras algo más en tu vida ve
y anótalo.
Ahora bien para lograr tus objetivos debes organizarte y que mejor
forma de hacerlo que usar una agenda que sea inspiradora, que esté llena de
lindas y motivadoras frases, o tal vez ilustraciones que mantengan abierto tu
lado creativo. En fin les recomiendo encontrar la agenda que mejor los defina,
les ayude a organizarse y los mantenga llenos de ideas. A mi
particularmente me gusta utilizar planificadores semanales para anotar mis
tareas diarias y las actividades generales.
Aquí les dejo una lista de agendas, planificadores y diarios (si es que
no has comprado alguno ya) Yo este año elegí Stay Wild at heart by Katie Daisy.

I know I'm a little late for this post but I cannot not share with you
this list of planners and agendas and tell you a little bit of how to organize
and build a plan to achieve your goals for this 2016 that's already started. I
am one of those who like to write and record everything, scratching, crossing,
painting and making lists.
And this is precisely one of the most important steps: Make a list
of your real goals, plans, projects and travels, this will help you visualize
and achieve them, keep your list handy so you can review it every day and every time
you want something else in your life go and write it.
To achieve your goals you must get organized and there's no better way
than using an agenda that is inspiring,
that have phrases that might keep open your creative side or it's full of beautiful
and motivating illustrations. Finally I recommend finding the one that best
defines you, help you organize and keep you full of ideas. I like to use weekly
planners to record my daily tasks and general activities.
Here's a list of agendas and planners (if you have not bought one
already) this year I chose Stay Wild at Heart by Katie Daisy.

1.Stay Wild at Heart 2016 Weekly Pocket Planner by Katie Daisy from Orange Circle Studios,Amazon.
2.The 52 Lists Project: A Year of Weekly Journaling Inspiration by Moorea Seal from Amazon.
3.Goal Digger Planner 2016 Gold Design Weekly/monthly Planner - Success Agenda Jan-dec 2016, from Amazon.
4.Do One Thing Every Day That Inspires You: A Creativity Journal by Robie Rogge from Amazon
5.Feathers Desk Pad from Galison
6.Moon Study Planner - Grey by Her Bike, from Amazon.
7.Fawnsberg Desk Pad from Galison
8.2016 Peanuts Snoopy Schedule Book Weekly Planner Pocket Size Retro Leather Brown from Amazon.
9.1,047 Reasons to Smile: Little Things that Bring Joy, Happiness, and Excitement by Elizabeth Dutton, from Amazon.
10.Tools4Wisdom Planner 2016 Calendar 4-in-1: Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Organizer - Purpose Driven Goals Planning Book - Personal Life Progress Journal Notebook from Amazon.
11. Day Designer by Whitney English, from Galison
12. Feather journal from Urban outfitters
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